Army Family Action Plan

The Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) is your platform to voice quality-of-life issues, feedback, ideas, and suggestions. It’s the best way to let Army leadership know what works, what doesn’t, and how you think problems can be resolved. It gives active- and reserve-component Soldiers, Army Civilians, retirees, survivors, and Family members a powerful tool to help identify issues and concerns and shape the Army standard of living.

Since 1983, over 700 issues have been raised at the Department of the Army level – and those have resulted in over 500 improvements for Soldiers, Families, and Army communities.

AFAP issues have resulted in real changes, including these:

Submit an issue or suggestion at your local ACS office or through the Issue Management System (IMS). AFAP’s IMS allows registered and unregistered users to submit online issues regarding their communities or other aspects of Army life. Issues are reviewed and managed by ACS staff, and IMS can be used to track issue status and view items currently under review.

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G9 integrates and delivers Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs and services enabling readiness and resilience for a globally-responsive Army.