There I've said it, I'm really starting to have a thing for handline fishing.
I like my spinner rod and I really like my flyrod but there's something special about a plain old handline.
I like that it packs down to 1/4 the size of the smallest pack rod and with jig heads and rubber grubs you can cast up to 40 or so feet.
This past Sunday I wen to Lake Logan and caught 4 fish; 2 bluegill, Largemouth Bass, and a White Crappie. Oddly enough, this was a slow day for me with that setup as last time I caught 8 bluegill in half the time.
Anyone else here like fishing with a handline?
I used to do this all the time as a kid and I just started again about 3 years ago. It's so simple yet so fun because you can put everything you need is such a small package that you can keep with you at all times.
I always carry a hand line in my kit when I'm out n' about. Where I live there's a number of 'Burns' (Scots word for a stream) with wild Brown Trout sometimes the odd Salmon runs through. I have a number of different methods of Hobo fishing kits I had one made from wood where the top holds a fair amount of line, sometimes I use the handle for line as it holds more, the handle is hollow too holds hooks weights etc.. & cork stopper in end can be used as a float. Hand line fishing in Scotland on most rivers is deemed illegal 'poaching' (Scots for illegal fishing without a permit) it's ok if you purchase a permit & use the proper rod & tackle on the stretch of river. Burns are tributaries for most rivers sometimes not very deep or slow flowing I've followed such from source on a few stretches of rivers The Almond, Clyde, Calder, & the Avon where I live & there's usually some big Trout lazing somewhere along the bank of the murky brown water, this is caused by either from the geo location iron ore deposits in the ground or from the Peat
Images of my Hobo Fishing kit taken different angles. This one has wooden stopper can be replaced with a cork for flotation.