By: Emma Jones - Updated: 23 Oct 2023 | *Discuss
Can my ex-partner apply for my 3 children's passports without my permission? They are aged 4, 5 and 6 years.
Concerned dad.
When you split from your partner it is easy to feel very helpless and as though you lack influence on your children’s lives. When you have gone from being involved daily to seeing her making decisions without your consent, it can seem unfair. It is natural to question whether she is legally able to take these steps without consulting you.
You do not say whether you have parental responsibility for your children. Parental responsibility is automatically granted if you were married to the children’s mother at the time of birth or if you jointly registered the birth. If neither of these apply, you are still able to apply for parental responsibility through the courts to make sure that you are involved in their upbringing. (For more information, see our article on Your Separated Father's Rights.)
Here's some more information about your children's passports when you are separated:
Either parent can apply for a passport for their child, unless an objection has been lodged at a United Kingdom Identity and Passport Service office.
A child under the age of 16 must have permission from a person with PR for them.
If you are separated but still married, either parent can give permission for a child to have a passport.
If you are divorced, but were married at the time of or after the child's birth, either parent can give permission for a child to have a passport, unless there is a court order about PR or preventing the child from having a passport. If this is the case, you should send a copy of the relevant court order with your application.
If you do not have PR, you will need the consent and cooperation of the child's mother if you are to obtain a passport for your child.
If the child's mother does not consent, she can lodge an objection of her own volition and if the child has already had a passport issued in his or her name, it will be recovered by order of the court and not returned unless or until the court considers it appropriate.
If you have PR for your child and no objection has been lodged at court regarding your passport application, you must send any court order dealing with your PR alongside your application form.
If your child is currently registered on another passport, i.e. your passport or his/her mother's passport, their details will need to be officially removed from them.
You should also note that if the child's mother has already applied for a passport for your child, and it has in fact been issued, even if you have PR, you will not be able to apply for another passport for your child.
My ex gained a passport for our 2old boy without me knowing. I have PR what can I do Plus I have never been able to use it once can anyone help
Marc Ryan 1982 - 23-Oct-23 @ 1:56 AMMy daughter mum has stopped me seeing my daughter and I just recently found out she has taken my daughter on holiday how has she done this without my consent I’m on the birth certificate ? How has she even got a passport ?
River - 4-Aug-23 @ 7:52 PMYou want sum more truths I’m a (career criminal) I haven’t worked a normal job in years and got (zerointention of ever working a normal job again)
C laurie - 4-Jun-23 @ 1:18 AMSam here is (one thing )we will both agree on .on the (Extremely slight chance) your daughter wants to meet me .just tell her I died years ago .that way there’s( no issues for her ).and I’m not put in (awkward situation ).the last thing I want is to have sum women with daddy issues looking for a father and daughter relationship .because she will be let down majorly .your a smart women Sam and know if I wanted to see her I would have done something 16 years ago obviously.goodbye and stop posting .
C laurie - 4-Jun-23 @ 1:00 AMSam just stop posting (,I have zero interest in you or your adult daughter ).you where lucky I signed the (passport papers years ago God’s truth) .you should have legally changed her surname like you where going to do I would have gave my(parental rights up in a heart beat) .because I never wanted (kids ).people can say I’m a (deadbeat dad or the wrong father is on thebirth certificate ) .I will agree with them that’s why I never fought for (bree I never wanted her in the first place) .and she is way better off without me .if the shoe was on the other foot and I had her when she was little I would off put her up for(adoption gods truth )so she could be raised my (parents that wanted kids ).so if people want to call me a deadbeat dad go for it At least I’m honest with myself and know I’m not cut out for been a parent .
C laurie - 4-Jun-23 @ 12:42 AMHi I'm trying to apply for a passport and I've been though domestic violence and I've not seen her dad since she was 18months old and she's 10 year old I got an injectionon him so he can't come near us. And he's on the birth certificate but we have not seen him or heard from I would like to no how I can get round this so I don't have to open up my past again
Cazzer - 3-Jun-23 @ 10:27 PM Can my daughters ex partner take her daughter abroad without permission from mother Bailey - 8-May-23 @ 12:06 PMI myself have no contact and will always (stick to the no contact rule) .because she be praying or provoking me to lose my head and act out .but I'm to smart for that now and learnt and realised no women or kid is worth your own freedom now with female police commissioner there is a war on domestic violence .I will stay far far away. I even got rid off all my social media. I just don't trust anymore .I have experience first hand at someone you cared and trusted turn on ya .it's just not worth it .
Truth - 24-Apr-23 @ 10:44 PMMy partner has his 4 year old residing with him and has done for 2 years now, mother has no contact, and we don’t know where she lives.There is no court order. He has PR as on birth certificate. Is he able to apply for a passport without the mother
KRB - 24-Apr-23 @ 7:27 PMHi i have 2 children with my ex who both used to live with there mum my son was having night terrors and started playing up at his mums, she then kicked him out and he came to live with me, my ex blamed me for this so decided to move my daughter 6 hour away without my concent and refused to tell me where she is living or have any contact with my daughter i have tried mediation but she refused this. she has been moving her around the country for the past 3 years still preventing contact what can i do?
DS - 20-Mar-23 @ 7:23 PMMy ex gained a passport for our 11 yomear old boy without me knowing. I have PR as I'm in the BC she has tried to stop me seeing him too
Ash - 2-Mar-23 @ 4:51 PMHi. My ex partner managed to get our kids passports and take them abroad earlier this year without me knowing. I don't know how she managed to get the passports without my consent as I am on the birth certificates of both my children and have a court order to say that I PR and it also say that she has to let me know 3 months in advance if she is taking them on holiday anywhere . Is there anything that I can do to prevent her from taking them abroad without me know ing again as I am worried that she would not come back. Any advice or help would be great thankyou
Pembo - 28-Nov-22 @ 3:09 PMsons ex wife remarries has two children from first marriage with her gets passport for 15 year old sonin her new married name. does not notifyor ask birth fathers permission on this . father has parental rights.
none - 6-Aug-22 @ 10:00 AM(You are a ugly old bar maid) ,I cant believe you found a guy that would actually marry you. he must have very low self-esteem must be like( Gordon pencil dick tradey old Bob the builder character ha ha ha)poor c##t doesn't even know your a prostitute riddled in stds .ha ha ha ha .
C laurie - 14-Jun-22 @ 2:19 AMJust stop you are( lucky) I signed the passport papers years ago Samantha ,in( reality you should off legally changed her name like you where going to do). because I have zero intention off ever meeting your daughter thats( gods truth ).I dont like (you or your kids) you can call me Lou disabled whatever you want thats your opinion loser .(I have no time for women who have sex with underboys and sleep with my family members .(I'm glad your gone thats gods truth your a( trashy whore )go stick with your kind .).
C laurie - 14-Jun-22 @ 1:42 AMHi..My son wants to take his Daughter on holiday..She is 3 yrs old .She carries her fathers name on the Birth certificate.. He split with her mum years ago The child lives with her dad and sees her mum occasionally Can my son apply for a passport for the child without the mother getting involved. Thanks in advance !!
Lou - 13-Jun-22 @ 10:29 PMI am split from my ex partner I’m on my sons birth certificate can I get a passport without mother’s signature
Lennox - 6-Jun-22 @ 9:33 PMMy ex and me both have PR for our two year old daughter we have never been married, he wants to Take her abroad for the first time and get her passport done but I don't want him to take her as I don't think he could look after her on holiday on his own and I think she is to.younge to be away from me for 2 weeks. He's sneaky and I'm.worries he's going to take her away without my permission, can he do that??
Kaz - 7-May-22 @ 4:32 PMI want to apply for my sons first passport I am British and have a British passport,but my ex only had a temporary visa when our son was born as he was an asylum seeker,he now has refugee status and has travel documents but can these be class as a passport,he is happy for me to get our son a passport but I am not sure how it works any advise would be good
jo - 14-Mar-22 @ 9:27 PMHi I went and got (and paid for) my 2 boys passports about 3-4 years ago to go on holiday with them. Earlier this year my ex asked to “borrow” the passports to open a bank account. I was happy to let her use them but asked her to confirm via text that she would return them to me after. I didn’t want her to keep them and risk her using them as a lever/weapon if I needed them again (she has history of doing this) She agreed via text so I thought I was safe to let her use them. 4 months on she is now refusing to return them. Can I contact the police as she has stolen them? Or do I have to use solicitors/courts to get her to return them, that will be costly so can I recover the cost of getting them back from her?
Crazyfish - 3-Oct-21 @ 5:31 PMHi there, I have a child arrangements order in place. Myself and my ex were never married but both have PR. He has applied and now has passports for our two girls. Without my consent or anything signed from myself. Is this fraud??
Emz - 21-Sep-21 @ 5:33 PM I am afraid I don't fully understand what you are saying samantha. Could you please explain? Luka - 24-Jun-21 @ 6:36 AMI have never been married to mother of my child but I am on the birth certificate, so we both have PR. I have been kicked out from the house when our daughter was 1. After 7 years I started cooperating with social services due to domestic abuse at my child's home. I have been safeguarding my daughter (at her own wish) since. This meant removing from mother's care and allow her contact only via Contact Centre, which she has never used and refused to seek help with alcohol issues. Not even once in past two and half year she asked how daughter is doing, is she healthy, not even wishes for Christmas nor birthday. Pretty much abandoned the child. recently I have started the process of applying for British citizenship, and want to take same steps for my daughter. Knowing how petty this person is, even before asking I know what will be the answer if I ask for consent to issue the passport for our little one (10yo now). I don't know much about the legal side of things, but I would like to avoid any contact with that person at all cost due to her abusive past towards us. We just started feeling safe and free from that harpy, I really would like to keep it that way. What would be the best course of action in such case? I cant really afford a lawyer, saving for both citizenship applications takes about a year for me, but I don't qualify legal aid either.
Luka - 22-Jun-21 @ 11:19 PMI have PR as I am registered on my daughters birth certificate. The mother has always kept hold of our daughters passport.I had a final hearing through the family courts last September and part of the order is that the father (me) apply for the UK passport and mother will apply for an Irish Passport for our daughter as the UK passport was close to expiring. Our daughter was registered at the address where we lived and mother still does and I want to know do I put my address on her new passport or mothers? daughters has live with both parents order. Mother wont hand passport to me but will only supply a copy of the old passport. I would prefer it was mine in case I have issues when taking her abroad.
spudulike - 3-May-21 @ 6:34 PMEx refusing to give me a copy of sons passport. Surely there must be another way other than courts to get this information. It is a form of coercive controlling behaviour.
SA - 5-Apr-21 @ 10:43 PMHey my Ex took our 2 children to mexico when they was 1 and 3 now our children are 14 and 16 and the 14 year old one wants to come back here but her father won't sign for her a passport is there anything I can do ? We was never married..
Angela - 5-Apr-21 @ 8:57 PMHI my ex left with the kids two years ago from words spoken in an argument and went to a refuge. I am now divorced lost out on my home kids. There was no police report no restraining order etc. She has even denied me overnight access. Im going to court to get rights to my kids but can i sue her for falsely running away with children and going to a refuge
Rod - 13-Mar-21 @ 7:34 PMMy son’s swedish passport has been expires on March 2021 he was born in Sweden and we were moved to uk in 2006. My ex husband won’t signed the form to get renew passport for him. Now he’s 16 yrs this year. We were divorced nearly 3 yrs. I am the parent responsibility for the time. He never supports us. But divorce letter has mentioned joint custody. But he never ever involved children PR OR financial support since I got my divorce to until now. Can I get British passport passport for my son without ex husband’s signature. Thanks please reply me.
Asha - 25-Feb-21 @ 9:32 AMHi ,my ex refused me access to our 13 years old daughters passport because she knows I want to use it to regularised my stay in the uk . The court has already granted me parental responsibility via an order. What can I do to get a copy of my child’s passport?
Vinces - 15-Feb-21 @ 4:10 PMMy x partner as change my daughter sure name on her passport.with out asking me l am on my daughter berths certificate.can she do this