ACTFL is the premier membership association for more than 11,000 language professionals at all levels. Connect with and learn from a select network of educators, researchers, administrators. anyone involved in the language eduction space. Join us!
Member Spotlight
Westchester Country Day School in High Point, NC
Respect and Recognition
ACTFL empowers educators and helps them develop critical skills and competencies
ACTFL members are leaders in their schools and their communities
ACTFL members are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and live those values daily
Take part in online discussions with your network of peers who face similar challenges and can help you find solutions, through Special Interest Groups (SIG) and other online community groups.
Connect 1:1 with a mentor to gain insights and skills to be a successful language educator, through our mentoring program. Or, if you prefer a more casual, peer-to-peer connection, sign up for our Pair & Share program to get insight and tips.
Find your tribe with exclusive access to our Member Directory online.
Members get exclusive discounts on virtual and in-person, world-class professional development through our ACTFLearn Central professional development portal.
Enhance Your Career through ACTFL Job Central and professional awards.
Expand your leadership skills by volunteering. Join a committee, be a part of a special project, or share your knowledge. New opportunities are added throughout the year, so check back often.
Land your dream job or find qualified employees at Job Central, including career resources and coaching.
Receive member discounts on ACTFL publications and products: Books (print and electronic) and posters, and online courses.
Protect yourself with one-year of free life insurance, and discounted professional and personal insurance options for life, auto, home, health, disability and professional liability, offered through our partnership with Forrest T. Jones Consulting Company.
Members-only access to The Language Educator magazine, where you will learn about classroom techniques, new technology, innovative products, and the latest research
Free subscription to our scholarly journal, Foreign Language Annals (FLA). FLA brings you quarterly updates on language research and cutting-edge topics that make you a more informed educator.
Breaking news straight to your inbox with Connection. Keeping up with current news is easy—members receive our exclusive Connection newsletter.
Customize your ACTFL journey! There are five levels of membership to choose from based on your unique needs and desired outcomes.
Access to all ACTFL publications, including Foreign Language Annals, The Language Educator magazine, Connection e-Newsletter
In addition to shared benefits, each level is customized to give you more of what you want. Multiyear discounts are available to save even more!
View our printer-friendly (PDF) for a list of our Membership Levels